The Semiconductor Industry in India – IP and Policy Updates

Semiconductors or chipsets are used in all modern electronic devices and technologies, with a range of applications that range from electronic products and IT hardware to defence technology, industrial electronics, medical electronics, automation (workplace, healthcare, manufacturing etc.), and the Internet of Things (IoT). Moreover, rapid developments in the capacity for intelligent computing and growth of AI in these applications and related industries has further expanded the dependency on semiconductor research and escalated the economic value of its manufacturing capacity.

The global Semiconductor market is expected to steadily grow over the ensuing years resulting from a mix of ongoing technical developments, rising environmental consciousness, ever increasing need of Semiconductor devices, tactical alliances, and several Government led initiatives.

Till now, India’s contribution to the industry has focused on its technical competencies in R&D, design, etc. due to its talent pool in IT design and R&D engineers and requirement of huge investments, high operating costs, and the need of frequent technology replacement.

This research paper explores the semiconductor industry in India, focusing on the patent filing trends, top patent filers and providing key statistical insights. It also focusses on the Government regulations, supportive policies and several schemes to promote and support the Semiconductor industry in India.

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